“If one member suffers, all suffer together with it”. (1 Cor 12:26)
With these words, Pope Francis addressed each of us in this time of scandal and crisis. As a parish community of St. Patrick, we pray, suffer and do all things together in Christ for others. As such, please note the following:
1.A word of thanks to all who attended our Evening of Prayer for the Church on Tuesday, August 21st. Over 150 people attended and God was praised. Click here for a copy of the Prayer Service.
2. Our Lenten Crosses are now out and will remain out until November 2018. In this time when the Church has lost so much, we need the Sign of Christ Himself: which is the CROSS. The universal sign of our faith, the sign of all that has been lost, the sign of all that has been given. These are not early Lenten decorations, but declarations of God’s judgement on the world and the call which is upon us: Reform.
3. How does Reform happen? Thru REPENTANCE, CONTRITION, FAITH.
Consider abstaining, fasting, and committing to acts of charity. Do something each day that will be different. Things that will be a reminder of God’s Love in you, things that will be a sacrifice for others and a powerful gift that could benefit the Church. Prayer, Fasting and Charity are more powerful than we realize.
4. Finally, KEEP INFORMED. Now more than ever, we need to keep informed as a parish community. If you have not as of yet signed up for FLOCKNOTE, do so today by clicking here. If you have not as of yet friended our FACEBOOK PAGE, do so today.