News & Events

Family Cake Bingo Night
Friday, February 28, 2025
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
St. Joseph Room

Attention all parents, grandparents, super cool aunts and uncles! Are you looking for something fun to do with your family to fight off the winter blues? If so, look no further that right here at St. Patrick Parish.

All are welcome to join us on Friday, February 28 for our Family Cake Bingo Night. While there is no fee to participate, we ask that you bring a wrapped baked good which will serve as some of our prizes. Some Gluten & Peanut Free treats are welcome for our friends with special dietary considerations.

In addition, you have the option to have dinner with us and order a pizza in advance from Presto Pizza. All pizzas are size LARGE and are $14.00 (cash or check payable to St. Patrick Church). Choice of plain, pepperoni, or half/half. Pick up will begin at 5:45 PM in the St. Joseph Room. We’ll provide water and pretzels. The only cost to families is for the pizza if you choose to order one in advance.

While families are encouraged to attend, this fun event is open to all our parishioners! AS SEATING IS LIMITED, we ask that you sign up in advance by Monday, February 24 either online here or call/email Jen Keller at / 610-444-4364.


Come Walk with Me with Irish Tenor, Mark Forrest
Friday, March 7, 2025
7:00 PM

St. Patrick Parish looks forward to welcoming back Irish tenor, Mark Forrest for a very special Lenten evening of prayer and spiritual reflection.

The Come Walk with Me evening is a time for us to reflect on our personal relationship with Jesus Christ. During the evening, the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed and Irish tenor Mark Forrest will take you through an evening of music, reflection, and healing. Consider taking an hour with the Lord as he invites you to a closer walk with Him.

There is no pre-registration and no cost to attend. A free will offering will be collected at the end of the evening. All are welcome. For questions, contact the Parish Office at 610-444-4364.

St. Patrick Gala & Silent Auction
Sunday, March 16, 2025
Mendenhall Inn
1:30 PM – 6:00 PM

Young & Old, Come Shake Rattle and Roll!
A Tribute to Elvis with Jeff “Elvis” Krick

The St. Patrick Knights of Columbus Council 15346 extend an invitation to all our parishioners, families and friends to our annual St. Patrick Gala & Silent Auction.

The Knights have stepped up their game this year and are posed to bring the parish an event that will be frequently referenced and fondly remembered for decades. We’re bringing back Elvis Presley to perform for you! OK, we’re not the Lord, so we can’t resurrect the real Elvis Presley. But the singer who is performing could be Elvis’s clone. He talks like Elvis, he acts, and he definitely sings like Elvis. And in the true spirit of an Elvis performance, the show will open as most Elvis performances did, with Elvis’s hand-picked comedian warmup act.

This all time family favorite event that includes great bargains at the Silent Auction is the Council’s main fundraising event of the year. Your tax-deductible bids are the life blood of the Knights’ ability to donate to wonderful organizations throughout the community and beyond.

Here is looking forward to an afternoon of entertainment, comradery and fine dining as well as the KOC’s classics: Silent Auction, Basket of Cheer and 50/50 Raffles.

$70.00 ADULTS
$25.00 CHILDREN (ages 6-12)

FREE for ages 5 and under

Purchase tickets online here, see a Knight after Mass on the weekend, or visit the Parish Office Monday-Friday.